Today, probably every farmer cannot imagine farming without the use of agricultural tools and machines. They contributed, among other things, to the modernization of farms, improving the economic condition and increasing the yield of crops. Therefore tilling sets are treated as a basic group of agricultural machines that significantly improve work on a farm by performing many agrotechnical procedures during one trip. Learn more about their capabilities on the field.

What are tillage units used for?

Cultivating aggregates they have many useful functions that are performed at the same time. Depending on the type of unit, they may be equipped with legs, a tillage roller, hydraulic roller adjustment or a hydropack. Thanks to this, they fulfill the role of plates, teeth and other tools intended for preparing the soil for cultivation.

Therefore, application cultivation aggregates it's really huge. Their main tasks include loosening, turning, cutting and leveling the soil, mixing fertilizers, crushing clods of earth, breaking the sole, removing weeds, and sowing.

What tillage systems is the cultivator suitable for?

According to the above, agricultural units are intended for plow and plowless cultivation, but not zero cultivation with direct sowing. Agricultural machinery manufacturers produce various models of units whose main purpose is tillage or no-plough cultivation. Cultivation aggregate based on plowing differs in design and functions provided, including soil inversion. Therefore, when purchasing an agricultural unit, you should choose a machine adapted to the system and agrotechnical procedures adapted to the agricultural and economic conditions.

List of tillage units proposed by the manufacturer AMJ AGRO

We would like to present you a list agricultural units, which dig into the soil very easily and perform their work effectively on the farm. They are one of the few that have additional hydraulic and pin protections, side screens, rubber shock absorbers, double powdered paint coating and various hub variants to choose from.